Helbreath Soundtracks
Select a song to begin playback.
How to Change Background Music in Helbreath
1. Convert Your Music – Your audio file must be in the following format: PCM 8,810 kHz, 8-bit, Stereo. - If your source file is in MP3 format, you may encounter conversion issues.
2. Backup the Original Files – Before making any changes, create a backup of the "Music" folder in your Helbreath directory.
3. Replace the Music File – After converting your music, place the new file into the Helbreath/music folder and rename it to one of the supported filenames.
New Versions
- Main Theme - RG Soundtracks
- Aresden- RG Soundtracks
- Elvine- RG Soundtracks
- Middleland- RG Soundtracks