Worldview and Background Story of Helbreath

Episode Prelude

It is difficult to imagine, but long ago, the continent of Helbreath was home to a thriving civilization, protected by the god of creation, Aresien, and the god of peace, Eldiniel.

However, all of this changed in the year 2192 of the Helbreath calendar, during an event known as the Prime Event. It is believed to have been a catastrophic war between the two gods, which led to the collapse of the once-great civilization. Millions of lives were lost as the continent was ravaged by the storm of conflict.

In the aftermath of this disaster, the surviving humans set about rebuilding their shattered world amidst the devastated landscape. But the survivors, scarred by the horrors of the gods' war, were consumed by anger and sought to blame others for their suffering.

Two factions emerged: one worshiping Eldiniel, the other Aresien. Each blamed the other for the calamity and formed rival nations—Aresden and Elbain. The bitter conflict between these nations has persisted for centuries, fueling endless bloodshed.

Meanwhile, a new threat looms. Dark creatures known as yoma have begun appearing across the land, signaling an ominous force rising in the east. Many believe this to be the first sign of the awakening of Abaddon, the god of destruction, long thought to be slumbering.

For centuries, the continent has been torn by war, and now, with Abaddon's impending return, the very fate of the world hangs in the balance. As a traveler from another realm, you may not know if you can save Helbreath. But one thing is certain—now that you have set foot here, you share the same fate as the rest of us. Whether that fate leads to the restoration of peace through the rebirth of ancient civilization, or to the total annihilation of the world at Abaddon’s hands, only time will tell…

I. Episode I - The Rising Threat of War and the Unknown Beasts

At the urging of the Archbishop of Elvine, the princess of Elvine traveled through Midland, visiting various obelisks to perform rituals for Eldiniel. She was accompanied by her chief knight and mage for protection. However, near the obelisk by the Midland Mines, they were suddenly attacked by unknown monstrous creatures. In their desperate attempt to escape, the princess’s protectors—including the highly skilled and respected knight and mage—were all killed.

The princess barely survived, thanks to her mother’s keepsakes—the Gemstone of Sacrifice and a golden ring of fortune. Fortunately, she was found by a passing knight, the grandson of an Aresden elder, who helped her safely return to Elvine. However, his actions placed him in danger, as he was accused of treason for assisting an enemy nation's princess.

Elvine’s leaders refused to believe that their elite knight and mage could have been killed by mere monsters. Instead, they blamed Aresden, claiming it was an act of war, and called for an immediate full-scale battle. Aresden, believing it to be an Elvine conspiracy, also prepared for war.

Fortunately, the wise rulers of both nations managed to prevent open conflict. However, the religious sects in both Elvine and Aresden saw this incident as a serious matter and began mobilizing their sacred knight orders for retaliation.

As tensions escalated, a series of mysterious attacks began devastating the neutral lands surrounding Elvine and Aresden. Seeking to clear his name, the Aresden elder’s grandson volunteered to investigate these incidents.

His investigation soon revealed that two unknown, powerful creatures were behind the destruction. When he tried to warn others, he found himself being hunted by unknown forces. These creatures became known as Hellclaw and Tigerworm, and their sheer strength was enough to wipe out an entire minor nation.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Elvine and Aresden set aside their differences and joined forces to uncover the origins of these monsters. They discovered that the creatures were heading toward the Land of Ruin, the fabled resting place of the legendary Abaddon. Determined to verify the legend and stop the monsters, both nations committed all their resources to the task.

The wisest scholars of Elvine and Aresden eventually unraveled the truth—Hellclaw and Tigerworm were once guardian deities of an ancient civilization. They had perished in the great War of the Gods but were resurrected, now mindlessly drawn by dark forces toward Abaddon’s sealed prison.

Upon realizing that Abaddon’s resurrection had begun, the sages reached a dire conclusion: the most urgent priority was to stop Hellclaw and Tigerworm from reaching the Land of Ruin. If these beasts arrived at Abaddon’s resting place, the consequences would be unimaginable.

II. Episode 2 - The Resurrection of Abaddon

With their combined forces, Aresden and Elvine managed to banish Hellclaw and Tigerworm back into the depths of the abyss. However, both nations suffered severe losses, leading to an uneasy truce.

Meanwhile, the grandson of Aresden’s elder council, who had been investigating the mysterious events, was being pursued by unknown forces. He was eventually guided by Unicorn to witness the ruins of an ancient civilization. There, he uncovered the truth about the Prime Event and the true nature of Abaddon. Determined to reveal this information, he returned to Aresden but was falsely accused by those in power. Forced to flee, he found refuge in Elvine, where the princess helped him share the truth with the Elvine King.

At the same time, both Aresden and Elvine possessed sacred weapons and armor blessed by the gods. However, mysterious individuals began stealing these divine relics, and even those who wielded them started vanishing without a trace. These thefts were orchestrated by followers of Abaddon's dark power, who gathered the relics at the Land of Ruin, where Abaddon was sealed. Among them stood the missing warriors, entranced and motionless. The weapons were not only keys to unlocking Abaddon’s seal, but also the only tools capable of sealing him away once more.

In the Land of Ruin, inside the shrine where Abaddon was imprisoned, six pillars held the sacred weapons:

- Sword of Ice Elemental
- Sword of Medusa
- Sword of Jerima
- Merien Shield
- Merien Plate Mail
- One final weapon was missing.

Yet, impatient and desperate, Abaddon’s followers decided to begin the resurrection ritual without it. As a result, Abaddon was revived in an imperfect form, without a physical body and only half of his original power.

Now reborn as a spirit, Abaddon seeks to rebuild his physical form. To do this, he attempts to resummon Hellclaw and Tigerworm into the world. Additionally, he begins searching for a lost artifact, the "Abaddon Ring," which could restore his full strength.

III. Episode 3 - The Crusade

Abaddon, now reborn in a spirit form, lurked in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to regain his full power. He possessed individuals with dark intentions, using them as puppets to spread chaos. Seizing an opportunity, Abaddon took control of the mind of Aresden’s Archbishop, exploiting his inner turmoil. Under Abaddon’s influence, the Archbishop manipulated the Elvine clergy, igniting a devastating war between the two religious orders.

Without the intervention of their kings, the war was waged solely under the command of the church leaders. The battle was so fierce that both nations' holy knight orders were nearly wiped out, leaving both sides in utter shock.

In a brief moment of clarity, the Archbishop of Aresden realized what had happened. Overwhelmed with guilt, he took his own life. With his host gone, Abaddon vanished into hiding once again.

Desperate to find a way to seal Abaddon, the sages of both nations turned to a knight—the grandson of Aresden’s elder—at the recommendation of Elvine’s king. This knight, believing that the key to ending the chaos lay in another world, convinced the sages to embark on a journey to uncover the truth.

IV. Episode 4 - The Apocalypse

The expedition searching for a way to seal Abaddon discovered that there was a world that could only be accessed through a portal—The Land of Ruin. This was the very place where the god of destruction, Abaddon, lay dormant. To prevent humans from reaching it, the gods had erected the Wall of Time. However, even this barrier could not stop the expedition.

Upon reaching ancient ruins, the expedition found a small fragment of a stone tablet. Sensing a mysterious power emanating from it, they realized that more pieces were scattered across Helbreath. Determined to uncover the truth, they embarked on a journey to locate the missing fragments. After an arduous search, they arrived at a deep underground ruin, where they learned that the tablet was an ancient prophecy—a record left by the gods that contained the secret to sealing Abaddon once again.

One knight, the grandson of Aresden’s elder, took it upon himself to uncover the prophecy’s full meaning. To do so, he ventured alone into another world, seeking the ultimate knowledge.

The prophecy spoke of an ancient spell—The Dimensional Shift—a ritual capable of sealing Abaddon forever. However, the sacred tablet had been shattered into four pieces by the dark magic of Abaddon’s followers, and now it lay scattered across the land.

Who will be the one to seal Abaddon for eternity? Traveler from another world, you have arrived on the continent of Helbreath. Whether you will become this world’s savior remains unknown. But one thing is certain—now that you have set foot here, you share the same fate as the rest of us. Whether that fate leads to the restoration of peace through the rebirth of ancient civilization, or to the total annihilation of the world at Abaddon’s hands, only time will tell…

V. Episode 5 - The Heldenian

The grandson of Aresden’s elder, who had set out to find the ancient prophecy and seal Abaddon, finally succeeded after a fierce battle. With Abaddon once again contained, a brief period of peace began to settle over Elvine and Aresden. It felt as though the harsh winter had ended, giving way to the warmth of spring.

As the nations prospered through farming and fishing, the rulers of Elvine and Aresden grew complacent. With no more wars between them, they indulged in lavish feasts, music, and festivities, paying little attention to the needs of their people or the governance of their lands.

Time passed, and the people of both nations gradually lost faith in their leaders. Crime and lawlessness spread, with murders and thefts becoming common. Disillusioned citizens began abandoning their homelands in search of a new world, leaving their kingdoms behind.

Feeling the weight of responsibility, Princess Helien of Elvine resented her father and ultimately chose to leave Elvine herself. Traveling west of Middleland, she stumbled upon a long-forgotten fortress—The Hidden Castle, known as Heldenian.

Determined to build a new home for those who had left their nations, Princess Helien and her followers sought to establish a new settlement within the Hidden Castle.

However, rumors of the princess and the hidden fortress soon reached the Elvine High Priest. Seeing this as a threat, he mobilized an army and marched toward Middleland. At the same time, Aresden’s rulers also learned of Elvine’s movements and, fearing the loss of a valuable stronghold, sent their own forces to claim it.

The armies of Elvine and Aresden clashed in the west of Middleland, both driven by greed and the desire to seize the fortress. The fragile peace they had once enjoyed was now a distant memory, as the two nations reignited their long and bloody war for power and control…